Sunday 17 February 2008


From Tower Hill we moved on to Westminster. I'd been there before, but hadn't seen all that I saw that day. We came out of the tube station at Big Ben, and Banana took the obligatory photos. We had planned to go on the London Eye that day, after having such spectacular weather since she arrived in the Motherland, however it was overcast and hazy, so we put that off for another day.

After Big Ben we walked around the block to Westminster Abbey, which I hadn't seen previously. It didn't seem to be as big as it did on the TV, which was surprising. On the other side of the road from the abbey was the House of Parliament, which was cheerfully decorated with men in fluorescent yellow jackets carrying machine guns. Needless to say, we didn't dally.

We headed further down the road, as, nerd that I am, I wanted to see Downing Street. Unfortunately there were more men with their big guns blocking me from seeing Number 10. I had thought that you could actually get closer to it than I did, but I'll have to investigate that one further. I still managed to get a photo of the street sign, just to prove that I'd been there.

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