Tuesday 13 May 2008


You couldn't half tell that we'd come from London that day, and that London was not as warm as Paris. We all had jeans, long-sleeved tops and jackets, so it made walking in the beautiful sunshine just a little warm. Having said that, I will never begrudge sweating after being so cold for so long!

Once we'd made our decision to not go up the Tower, Tour Guide Matt told us that we could walk down towards the Louvre and Notre Dame. I believe that the itinerary at that stage included a walk across the 'cool bridge', which ended up with us actually not walking over that bridge, but another one, and taking photos of the cool one.

We wandered along the side of the Seine, pausing now and then to marvel at various things, such as the group of homeless people who were using a big chunk of marble as part of their home. Only in France! We eventually went past the Palais National, amongst other things, and ended up at an intersection where if you looked left it was the Champs Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe, and if you looked right it was the obelisk, Jean de Tuileries and behind that the Louvre. Banana and I of course had to go and stand in the middle of the traffic just to take photos of each thing!

We also paused for a moment and considered hiring bicycles to continue our journey, but ultimately decided not to. We'd already seen how I wanted to get around - segways! So cool, and I wanted one! I had no idea where to get one though, so we kept walking :(

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