Wednesday 28 January 2009

Where does all the time go?

Somehow it's been over a month since my last update, and even worse what should have been updated was the details of my trip to Rome.

My bad.

I'm almost at the end of my assessment period for getting my teaching qualifications sorted out here, so I have a couple more weeks of hoops to jump through, and whole trees worth of paper to sort, then things should be back to normal.

Once all that is done, normal services will resume!


erica.thompson said...

Lol! hey dood!

U know I looked back on my Japan blog just the other day... I was there for 2 years but I think I only wrote about 30 entries... haha.I always forgot...Never any time!

I was gonna ask u about teaching in the UK. We had a week-long 4th year seminar thingy this week and some doods from a 'teaching in the UK' company came to try to sell themselves.

Would u recommend it? Is it fairly easy to get a job over there? Are they good jobs? Pay etc?

Lemmie know what your overall opinion is of teaching in the Uk!

Sarah said...

Ahhh, professional development week? I generally enjoy teaching over here, just get a bit jack of the admin and paper pushing that seems to be a much bigger part of the job here.

I went through an agency to begin with, got a job no problems, then found myself a permanent position after that. Agencies are good depending on what you want to accomplish here. Talk to me on IRC and I can give you some better feedback!