Tuesday 18 March 2008

London Bridge is... boring

We left the Dungeon and negotiated our way, despite shoddy signage, to Thames, right between London Bridge and Tower Bridge. We took the obligatory photos of London Bridge, despite it being nothing special, and had a laugh at the expense of the guy who bought the original, shipped it brick by brick to America, and reassembled it in Arizona, before realizing that it wasn't the bridge he wanted. He had wanted to buy Tower Bridge. Raise your glass and toast intelligence, people.

We then headed past some fairly dodgy 'art', which no kidding resembled sheep poo and kangaroo poo. Bet it cost we the taxpayers a small fortune to put there. We continued past this and then walked across Tower Bridge. That was pretty cool, both literally and metaphorically. I still need to go back one day when I know it's going to be lifted, to get some photos of that, but I was quite happy with the shots I did get. It wasn't quite the same feeling of history as standing on Hadrian's Wall, but given that it's in the middle of the city, I still rate it.

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