Monday 17 November 2008

A wee bit chilly

Temperatures plummeted again overnight, and after a bit of rain yesterday, there was quite a layer of frost on my car this morning. It took nearly 20 minutes to clear it off my windscreen. You could actually hear it crack as I opened the door, and the electric windows were frozen shut! Why am I here again???

Sunday 16 November 2008


I went to the supermarket earlier. It was 9 degrees, according to my car. I wore pluggers. I'm not sure if it makes me tough or stupid, but I wasn't cold!

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Cheese rolling!

A few months ago, we attended the annual Gloucester cheese rolling festival. It was total madness. In something completely unrelated, I'm currently watching an old episode of "Gilmore Girls", and there was totally a reference to it! We thought it was random enough in the first place, but this was random ++!

I managed a while back to actually upload some of my own video. This still makes me laugh. A lot.

Saturday 1 November 2008

Sparklers ahoy!

I'm just back from the fireworks, defrosting and drying out. It was a fantastic display, and after much consideration we decided it was planned by a woman (big bang moments separated by smaller, prettier displays). I only have a photo of it on my phone, and I don't have any way to get the pic from my phone to my computer, so I can't post it.

There was a HUGE bonfire as well. It was set up to look like Westminster, with a few 'people' at the front of it, ready to be burnt. We were a fair distance away from it, and it was pouring rain, yet we could still feel the heat from it. Now I need to read up on Guy Fawkes, as I've forgotten half of the story and had to be filled in! I do love though that the English celebrate a near-disaster (although they say that they celebrate the fact that they caught them before it happened).

We came back to my place afterwards for hot chocolate and something to eat, and the necessary sparklers. Last year was my first Bonfire Night experience, so I was invited to Millsy's place to take part in their traditional feast. It wasn't quite as big tonight, but tradition had to be maintained! Millsy loves sparklers, so I queued at the supermarket for nearly 30 minutes to buy some. I'm pretty sure my neighbours now think I'm somewhat insane, but it was fun!

Mr Pumpkin-head also made a re-appearance, just to get into the Bonfire Night sparkler fun!

Hey! Traditional English activities - I bite my thumb at you!

November 5 is, amongst other things, Bonfire Night. This year, the big fireworks displays are happening tonight, Saturday the 1st. I'm going down the street to the farm to see it (last year I saw their display from the train as I was on my way home, having supposed to have seen it properly). This is all well and good.

What is not so well and good, however, is the habit that is developing of going to see traditional English things in the pouring rain. I refer in particular to the Cheese Rolling Festival, also known as the coldest and wettest I have ever been in my life. Well, again, it's raining, it's cold (about the same temps in fact), and I'm going out to spend several hours outside. The main difference this time is that the fireworks are at night, whereas the cheese rolling was during the day. I guess that just means that I won't be able to see how cold and wet I am. Awesome.