Sunday 23 September 2007


This isn't really a travel story, but it was quite funny at the time, and I've told the story to a few people so I thought I'd share the photos.

Jai (a cousin of some kind - third or something, we never bothered to work it out), her boyfriend Jon and I came over to Southend On Sea, on the day that I was looking at more flats to rent near school. Jon has this tradition where he goes to Waitrose for breakfast whenever he goes over there. Waitrose, for those who don't know, is a kind of up-market supermarket, and there is a restaurant there.

Well, we turned up at Waitrose before they opened, so wandered down to use the ATM. By the time we came back, they were just about to open the doors. We could see inside that they were taking photos and cutting a ribbon, but didn't think more of it. The doors opened, and we walked in. A guy was following us, calling out to us (which we ignored, because he was calling out 'Ladies!', so naturally we assumed it wasn't us!). To cut a long story short, Waitrose had been refurbished and this was their grand re-opening. There was a guy who walked in at the same time as we did, so they gave him a bottle of champagne, but Jai and I were the first females through the door. They gave me a massive bunch of flowers, and then went and got a matching one for Jai because we'd come through together. Then they took our photos for the in-house newsletter. Not a bad effort overall - we turned up for breakfast, and ended up with two very expensive bunches of flowers!

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