Saturday 8 December 2007

Harrods baby yeah!

I took myself on another little trip to London today. I was supposed to meet up with friends late in the day to go and see the Christmas lights, but someone (not mentioning any names) is a snob who wouldn't respond to my texts, so I ended up going all on my lonesome. It was all good though, and I'd planned on doing a few other things before then anyway, such as a trip to THE department store, Harrods.

Oh, if only I had a few grand to drop on random luxury items. Let me just say, walking through the shoe department was my own private hell. The Jimmy Choos alone made me long for a sugar daddy!

One thing that this trip did make clear was that I'm a little lacking in the Christmas spirit department. The crowds were huge, as one would expect on a rainy Saturday so close to Christmas. You had to push and shove to get anywhere, and it was clear to anyone with even a single functioning brain cell that it wasn't going to be a good idea to stop in the middle of the walkway. So, when this absolute muppet did stop, is it any wonder that I, along with half of England, ploughed straight into his back? And what did Sir Knobulous do? He turned around and abused me. What was I supposed to do? Using my best (and loudest) teacher voice, surrounded by Chanel and Valentino and D&G amongst others, I told him that if he was going to be such a twat and stop in a CLEARLY DEFINED walkway, then he damn well deserved it, and that perhaps he should open his damn eyes. The woman behind me applauded.

All that aside, the store was amazing. Not just because of the brands and all that jazz, but the actual building itself is amazing. There are Egyptian escalators, mermaids in the seafood section of the foodhall, and a general air of opulence which, lets face it, most of us don't see on a day-to-day basis.

One downside - the 2007 Harrods named Christmas baubles this year are crap. I had intended to buy one for me and one for my mum, to add to the collection, and even the promise of buy 2, get one free couldn't induce me to part with my hard earned cash. They were just damn ugly. Get onto it, Mr Al Fayed.

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