Sunday 8 June 2008

Cheese Rolling Festival

Not a great deal happened between going to Paris and the Cheese Rolling Festival, a month later. Well, plenty happened, but nothing of real interest, and nothing travel-related. It all revolved around work, work, and more work. Work for a school that decided that I was good enough to run a staff in-service for, but not good enough to continue to employ. Bitter? Yes. But moving along.

The cheese rolling was... insane. It was cold. It was muddy. It was totally English. The basic premise is that you take a 70-80lb wheel of double gloucester cheese, chuck it down a really REALLY steep hill, and watch people go A-over-T trying to chase it and be the first down the hill, therefore winning the cheese. We spent the weekend in Cheltenham, driving over there on Saturday (with a not-very-brief stop at Ikea in Bristol), Sunday in Oxford and around the Cotswolds, and Monday at the festival before driving home.

I don't have pics of it, as I was on video duty, and I can't be bothered logging in to facebook to steal someone else's pics. Check out a few of the clips on youtube - totally insane!

The sun is making me so lazy, I can't even be bothered writing the html to make that a proper link. Just click it, watch it, and build a bridge.

On a side note, the actual temps for that day were about 7 or 8 degrees. The rain and wind chill made it much worse. By the end, I was dry from the knees down thanks to my wellies, dry wherever my mac covered me, and wet and cold for the rest. So cold, in fact, that I couldn't bend my fingers at all. The things we do for a bit of entertainment!

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