Wednesday 24 December 2008

Roman Holiday

Greetings mere mortals! It's 11pm on Christmas Eve, in good old Roma. And boy do I mean OLD. This is just a quick update to say Buon Natale to everybody, and in case I don't update again before it, Buon Anno Nuova!

Had a maaaaaaaassive first day in Rome, walked across the city and back it seems (only a slight exaggeration there). I'll of course give the full details and pics when I get home, as this is a free internet computer in my hotel and I won't/can't type properly (Italian keyboard) and can't upload the pics from my camera (computer restrictions).

Suffice to say, I'm shattered, I'm loving it, and I think I'm sunburnt. For serious. So worth it though.

Trip highlights so far:
  • The Colosseum
  • The Trevi Fountain (I was there for a full two hours)
  • Piazza Navona
  • Remembering the little Italian I learnt at school (Non parlo Italiano, scusi!)
  • Having my hot waiter at dinner propose to me.

Given that I've only been here a day, the good things are set to continue! Tomorrrow is Christmas Day, and I'm off to see the Pope in all his Hitler Nazi Youth glory. If you think I'm kidding, google him.

In the meantime, buona notte, arrivederci, ciao!

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