Monday 15 December 2008

Santa came to my house!

It's a little more than a week away, but tonight Santa paid an early visit to my house. And no, I've not been drinking spiked egg nog.

Every year here the Rotary Club in the town where I live hook Santa's sleigh up to the back of a 4WD, and drive him around the streets to say g'day to the kidlets and to raise money for the good work that they do. I'd completely forgotten about this from last year, so while I was sitting here tonight procrastinating (I should have a PhD in that by now), I heard the fat man himself engaging in a bit of karaoke as he travelled around.

I took off down the stairs to see him, and nearly face planted along the way. Note to self - last year's lesson about ski socks and polished pine stairs not mixing clearly didn't stick! Regardless, I got downstairs relatively safely, donated my money to the Rotary 'angel', and stood with giddy excitement with the neighbour's kids, waiting to see the jolly old man. He didn't disappoint (nor did he truly believe I'd been good all year - Santa has clued up a bit in recent years!). The photos are dodgy, but seeing as I had to throw myself back up the stairs to fetch the camera before going back down (and I'd left the door open, so if I fell going down I was going to roll into the street), I think they're reasonable. Besides, the guy in the 4WD wasn't taking chances; he put his foot down as I was trying to take them!

Now that I've got the commercial side of Christmas out of the way, it's time to organise my trip to see the Pope and make Sr Therese proud of me!

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