Friday, 31 August 2007
Corfe Castle
Corfe Castle is home, so I'm told, to the best cream tea in the region. Unfortunately we weren't able to sample it on this visit, as it was Bank Holiday weekend and the cafe was packed, and they'd run out of scones. Sad panda :(
We recovered from this disappointment, however, and took a stroll through the streets. When I say streets, you need to understand that even with my short-ass stature, I could lay across the road and probably touch the buildings on either side of it. It's truly awesome to look up the street and see these huge stone buildings towering over you.
I believe that this may be the widest street in the village, which isn't really that wide. So you see my point!
The village of Corfe Castle is also home to the smallest town hall in all of England.
The oldest pub in Corfe Castle is the Fox Inn, which has been in operation since 1568.
Free house doesn't actually mean free house by the way, it just means that the pub is free to serve whichever beer it likes, as it is not tied to one particular brewery.
Having said what I did earlier about the roads, it's absolutely nothing on the road that we used to head out of the village. I don't have photos of it, as if I'd raised my arm and my elbow went somewhere near the open window, I'd have been stung by stinging nettles. We were in a Citroen, which thankfully had these cool wing mirrors that folded in at the push of a button. I say thankfully, as the foliage that was built up on the side of the road was so close that had I spat out the window, it would have bounced straight back at me. It's exactly the kind of winding country road that we Aussies imagine England is full of, and I wasn't disappointed. And can I just say, it was as much fun reversing down the road for over 100m just to allows someone to pass, as it was going forwards (although the sudden stop as we came around a corner and came face to face with the front of a 4WD was not so fun)!
How to get to France
Brownsea Island
Brownsea Island is not only famous for its history with scouts. It's also home to the red squirrels. You can take a walk through the island, through their territory, and apparently you can see them roaming around, going about their normal squirrel-like business. Not so, it seems, when I'm around. We spent quite a while wandering about, in the vain hope of seeing even one measly little squirrel, but no, they all decided that they wanted to stay home out of the sun (they're probably not quite sure what sunshine is!). So it turned out to be quite a fruitless (and squirell-less) adventure to the island. There were some magnificant oak trees, but I wasn't allowed to climb them either. I'm still fascinated by the little things though, such as seeing acorns on an actual tree. Well, seeing acorns at all, really!
The hunt for the red squirrel continues...
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
We went over there to have a look at a flat for me, which turned out to be a bit dodgy. What made it even more so was the huge police presence for the football. We asked one of them what the area was like, and got a very quick reply that it was no good.
Nevertheless, it was still interesting to see the English take on a beach, which was jam packed. We really only stayed long enough to have fish and chips for lunch and find an Essex street map for later on.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Bloomin' onion
We went to a restaurant called The Outback Steakhouse. It's an American restaurant, not only in the UK, which is Australian-themed. There were things like Cairns Calamari, Gold Coast Coconut Shrimp and Long Reach (not actually Longreach as it should be) Lamb. Funnily enough, the Long Reach Lamb actually features New Zealand lamb chops, so I guess the thinking is that it's close enough to Australia to actually be Australian...
Anywho, without even looking at the menu, there was an immediate order of a 'bloomin' onion'. I didn't really know what to expect, although I did wonder if it was the same as I'd previously seen on Rove, and sure enough it was. Because an onion that is cut and expanded to a flower shape before being battered and deep-fried is just SO Australian!!! Even the waiter couldn't explain what was Australian about it (although he did give me several funny options).
Take it straight to the pool room.
First trip to Windsor
This one is a little better, but we'd just come around a corner and we were going slower!
Harry Potter's house
Monday, 27 August 2007

I left Japan the next morning, after negotiating my way through check in. Not speaking any Japanese beyond a few greetings and simple phrases, it was apparently just enough to smile and point to things, and get checked in. Too easy!
For larger versions of the photos and a photo of the menu at the restaurant, click here.
The story so far...
Nevertheless, I said that I would get my ass into gear and set up a travel journal, so here I am, albeit delayed somewhat from when I said it would be done. I already have photos to put up, and stories to tell, and will do so in due course.
In the meantime, this is really just a test to see how my blog will look with something posted on it. I'll get back to the rest later!