Monday 27 August 2007


I left Australia bound for the Motherland (England), via an overnight stay in Narita, Japan. Having never been to Japan before, it was certainly an experience! I stayed at the Hotel Nikko Narita, which was a lot better than I had expected for a transit hotel. I had seen pictures of it on their webpage before I left, and it looked pretty good, but recent experience of trying to judge a hotel on the basis of their pictures on a webpage left me aware that it might not live up to expectations.

However, it was quite lovely, if not educational. I have to admit being unprepared for seeing an instruction sheet beside the toilet! It was a bidet, actually, not just a toilet, but still...

I also got to sample some "Engrish" - this was a card in my room about not opening the windows because of mosquitoes and like insects, and 'In this connection, your kind understanding and cooperation would be highly appreciated."

I left Japan the next morning, after negotiating my way through check in. Not speaking any Japanese beyond a few greetings and simple phrases, it was apparently just enough to smile and point to things, and get checked in. Too easy!

For larger versions of the photos and a photo of the menu at the restaurant, click here.

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