Saturday 19 April 2008

Lainey's birthday

We left Eileen's and headed on to Wales once again. Dad is going to get banned from visiting there sooner or later - his arrival brings snow. We had visited Eileen's on a Thursday, and the temperature topped out at about 20 degrees - heatwave! Imagine our surprise then, when a couple of days later, it snowed...

We managed a bit of secret squirrel's business, and between Dad and myself, we managed by stealth to get Elaine a birthday cake without her noticing, despite her being in the supermarket with us. Go team us! Of course it helps that age is clearly impairing Flaps' ability to see and hear...

We didn't have 46 candles (and couldn't have fit them all on the cake if we had), so Jules and I decided there was only one thing to be done. We lit the 13 or so that we had four times - and sang the annoying birthday song each time too!

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