Wednesday 30 April 2008

The times they are a-changin'

So I'm back at work (however temporary that is), and Spring is in the air. Last weekend we got up to a whopping 20 degrees, which meant that I broke out the boardies and actually had bare feet for more than the time it takes me to shower. I just about got snow blindness from how white my legs are now!

Things are changing around here too with the warmer weather. The hedge out the back has grown back, and the trees are growing their leaves back. My friend Kay was saying this morning that she loves Spring, because it's like all the trees are saying, "Look how pretty I am!" I said that they are actually just advertising the new Spring colours...

The fields around here are all covered in these yellow flowers. They're crops of rapeseed, also known as canola. The name is not as bad as it sounds; it's based on the Latin for turnip (I'd like to thank my sponsor, Wikipedia, for that one).

The first photo there is actually the view from my classroom windows.

I was admiring the new foliage out the back this afternoon when I saw these storm clouds rolling in. Lately the weather forecast says 'changeable'. It's a lot better than saying something like, "Well, it's going to rain, it's going to be sunny and dry, it's going to be overcast, it's going to be hot, and it's going to be cold." And that's just the first hour of daylight. My friend at work, from Melbourne, said it feels like home!

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