Sunday 8 June 2008

Back to the present

I now find myself up to date. Back to sitting around, soaking up the sunshine, killing ants, wondering if I'm getting sunburnt, not caring if I AM getting sunburnt, and wondering what else to do now, given that it's 4pm and I still have at least 5 hours of sunlight left.

The next trip was going to be Pamplona, Spain, to see the running of the bulls. I've decided in the end not to go, as it is only a week after I start my new job, and although they said that I could take the two days off, I don't really feel that it's the right thing to do. Doesn't worry me too much though, as there's always next year.

That leaves me thinking about what next, and I'm wondering still if the answer might be Ireland. Thanks to my new job starting in July, I'm now getting paid for Summer, instead of having to slog it out in a supermarket or pub. So Ireland, Scotland, maybe North Wales - who knows? I still want to go up to Yorkshire and look around up there, and see the other end of Hadrian's Wall (I saw one end of it on my trip to the Lake District). Of course, I could always go back up there now that it's a different season, as it will look completely different. And there's always plenty to do in London as well - Wimbledon is coming up, so is the cricket, and the usual tourist attractions are still there.

If only I was good at making decisions!!


Unknown said...

I cannot recommend Ireland highly enough, I had a great time every time I went there. The west coast is wonderful, beautiful and rugged, and anywhere you go the people really are friendly.

Plus you can always get a good pint!

Sarah said...

Ireland is out! Now looks like Belgium, Scotland, and northern England might be the go. I could still fit Ireland in too I suppose, and there'll no doubt be a trip back to Wales. God, the choices!