Thursday 25 October 2007

Carlisle Cathedral

The cathedral was built in the early 1100s, during the time of Henry I. Most of the original building is now gone; having survived several centuries of poor weather (which has lead to almost every pillar leaning in a different direction, as there are extreme wet and dry seasons), it was eventually captured by Bonnie Prince Charlie and his army, and was pulled apart so that the stone could be used to fortify other buildings. As the English regained ground, they imprisoned those who had desecrated it, eventually torturing and killing them inside the building. Makes sense, doesn't it? In revenge for what they did to a holy place, the English tortured and murdered people inside it.

Ignoring all that, I got to go inside the cathedral, although couldn't take photos inside as the gift shop where I needed to pay the fee was closed. It was amazing to see it all. What a difference between this cathedral and St Monica's!

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