Thursday 25 October 2007


After Rydal Mount, I headed over to Keswick (pronounced "Kessick", as I was rudely informed). By this time of the day I'd been all over the place, and wasn't desperately keen to go anywhere else, but I figured that I might as well, seeing as I'd come so far to be there. In the end it turned out to be a great decision, as I took a turn off to follow the Stone Circle road, on the other side of the lake from the main road. It was a little hairy at times, as it was only just wide enough for two small cars, and I passed both a mini-bus and a lamborghini, which just about caused me to drive off the side of the road (stupid git obviously decided that he owned the road, and everybody else needed to avoid him).

There were some spectacular views along the way, but unfortunately I couldn't stop in most places to get good photos.

Crossing back over the lake, I passed what is known as a folly. I didn't know that at the time, so to me it was just a random building off to the side of a bridge. The sign on the gate stopping people from getting at it was from the water board, so you can see why I was confused about it!

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