Wednesday 20 August 2008

Bonnie Scotland

We hit the road once more, heading for the border. We drove through Gretna Green, so that Tamara could see the marriage houses. Leaving there, after a quick stop for lunch, we headed towards Glasgow. We had no intention of stopping there, but part of Tamara's family is Scottish, so we were in search of Hamilton Ave in order to take a photo for her grandmother. The things we do for family!

We negotiated our way through rush hour traffic, took the photo, and headed back through the city again. We headed towards Edinburgh, where we were planning on staying for a few nights with more friends of Tamara's. Somehow we ended up going right through the middle of the city, including driving on part of the Royal Mile - not the quickest route!

We found Tamara's friends' house, and hung out for a bit before catching a bus into town. There, we met up with Clare (whose flat we were staying at but who had been at work), and joined the queue to see the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. It was awesome - the rain bucketed down, but it didn't stop the show being amazing!

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