Wednesday 20 August 2008

The rest of our time in Scotland

We did one more day trip whilst we were in Scotland. We packed the car with people (Tamara, the couple we were staying with and one of their friends), and hit the road. First stop was Kirkcaldy, which is a pretty little beachside town. I don't think any of us had enough caffeine in our bodies to truly appreciate it! We stopped at the beachfront for a few photos, then headed on our way.

The next stop was St Andrews. We stopped on the high street first for some food and had a little look around. As we were driving out, we saw this old cemetery with what looked like the remains of some kind of castle. In actual fact it's not a castle, but St Rule's Tower, which used to be part of the cathedral there. We stopped again for some photos. I wasn't sure where the rest of the group was, as we'd done a bit of a jump and run thanks to no parking being available, so by the time I wandered in I couldn't see them. I walked up to the left, just outside the cemetery, and discovered a cliff top walk. The scenery was gorgeous - Scotland is so pretty! The others ended up finding me there, and we wandered along the cliff until we actually did come to a castle. It cost a fair bit to go in there, so we didn't. Tamara, Clare and Dwayne decided to walk right down to the beach and have a skimming competition. I stayed up top, and discovered that the spot where I was standing was actually the spot where the first congregation of the Protestant church was formed in Scotland.

Our next stop was, of course, the golf course. There was no way we could go there without visiting! We stopped first on one side of the course and took a few snapshots, before heading over to the clubhouse. I actually got a photo of me standing on the course, but it's on someone else's camera, as my batteries chose that moment to die! Hopefully sooner or later I'll actually get a copy of it...

From St Andrew's we moved on to Dundee. There was no real reason for this, apart from it's a big(ish) Scottish town, we'd heard of it, and we figured we'd have a look. We didn't stay long - same thing, different location!

We then took the scenic tourist route up to Aberdeen. It took us along the coast a lot of the time, and generally it was quite pretty. We stopped along the way at Stonehaven, on another cliff, to take yet more photos. Yes, we are tourists!

Finally we got to Aberdeen, and our first mission was definitely food. It was nearly 5pm, and whilst we'd had something to eat in St Andrew's, that was nearly 7 hours before. We parked, and walked right up the high street until we found a Wetherspoon pub. We're all fans! We had a bite to eat, and then tried to figure out exactly what it was that we wanted to see in Aberdeen. I think we should have done some more research before we left - we had no clue! We ended up going to the Golden Square, which in true UK style, is neither golden nor square. Fantastic! In the end, from this point, we decided to start making our way back to Edinburgh. It was another long day on the road!

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