Tuesday 19 August 2008

Warrington and Manchester

We left Birmingham, hit the M6 and headed north. We weren't too far away from our final destination for the day, and so we just went straight there. We found Tamara's friend's house with no difficulty, and proceeded to sit out the back in the sunshine and have a chat.

I had earlier gotten in touch with a friend from Cairns who lives in Manchester, so I took myself off to the city centre to catch up with a drink with her. Always good to see a familiar face!

Strangely, I don't have any photos from this part of the trip, apart from our short sojourn to Liverpool. I guess it's because really, despite what tourism boards would like to believe, I could just have a photo of any city and call it Manchester. I'm wondering why I don't have at least one photo of the Manchester United stadium though... We didn't do much actually in Manchester - we wanted to go to Old Trafford, not realising that there are TWO Old Traffords - one for Man U and one for the cricket. I know I didn't get any photos of the cricket ground, as I was driving. Tamara hasn't put hers on facebook, so I can't steal those. We also were going to go to where they film Coronation Street, but it looked awful, so we didn't stop.

We were only in town for one full day, and we went to Liverpool for the afternoon. We parked at Abbey Docks, where the Beatles Story attraction is. Now that I'm writing this, I'm realising that we saw the outside of a lot of places, but didn't actually go in to many. *Sigh* We wandered around the town, before heading back to Warrington. We also didn't go to The Cavern. You may well be thinking why we bothered going at all - beats me.

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